Measurement Guide Pet Carrier-Crate-Kennels
Handy Guide - How to measure your dog for best Crate, Carrier Kennel
Guidance for Calculating Properly Sized Pet Airline Shipping Containers
The size of the container (crate, kennel, carrier) must be such that it will allow the pet to stand in a natural position, turn around easily and to lie down in a natural manner at all times.
The images above gives measuring directions and a guideline for calculating the correct size airline shipping container for your pet/s. They relate to a pet standing in a natural position.
Pet Measurement:
A = length of the pet from tip of nose to root of tail.
B = height from ground to top of leg or elbow joint
C = width across right & left shoulders
D = height of the pet in natural standing position from ground to the top of the head or the tip of the ear in erect ear breeds. (for a cat you might find it easier to measure height while cat is sitting with head erect)
Minimum Container Dimensions are:
Length = A+1/2 of B
Width = C x 2 (1 pet) or C x 3 (2 pets)
Height = D
Inside kennel dimension (capacity) Does NOT include the doorway or side rims. Listed and advertised dimensions includes entire outside measurements.
Outside measurement (VS) Inside Kennel
Guide for Purchasing Right size Airline Kennel
Vari Kennel or Sky Kennel #100 (SMALL)
21"L x 16"W x 15"H OUTSIDE Dimensions (Advertised size)
INSIDE Dimensions (usable capacity) 17"L x 14"W x 14"H
(Actual Crate Weight: 7 Lb)
Note: 100 Kennel has a handle, Square Corners and does NOT have pre-drilled holes around door for cable ties. PetMate has not yet re-designed the series 100 with newest features.
ATTENTION: 1/1/12 British Airways has just announced they will no longer accept a size 100 for any pets. They are now requiring all pets to travel in a 200 - 26" x 18" x 19" or larger even for a small pet.
Recommended for: Cats, Toy Poodles, Yorkshire Terriers, Chihuahuas, Shih Tzus, Miniature Pinschers, Pomeranian, Papillon
Vari Kennel or Sky Kennel #200 (MEDIUM)
28"L x 20.5"W x 21.5"H OUTSIDE Dimensions (Advertised size)
INSIDE Dimensions (usable capacity) 24"L x 18.5"W x 20.5"H
(Actual Crate Weight: 15 Lb)
Note: 200 Kennel has a handle, Newest version has Round Corners and pre-drilled holes around door for cable ties.
Recommended for: Large Cats, Bassett Hounds, Beagles, Shelties, Mini Poodles, Lhasa Apsos, Cocker Spaniels
Vari Kennel or Sky Kennel #300 (INTERMEDIATE)
32"L x 22.5"W x 24"H OUTSIDE Dimensions (Advertised size)
INSIDE Dimensions (usable capacity) 28"L x 20.5"W x 23"H
(Actual Crate Weight: 18 Lb)
Note: 300 Kennel does NOT have a Handle, Newest version has Round Corners and pre-drilled holes around door for cable ties.
Recommended for: Springers, Border Collies, Bull Dogs, Boston Terrier, Fox Terrier, Basenji, Keeshond, Standard Poodles
Vari Kennel or Sky Kennel #400 (LARGE)
36"L x 25"W x 27"H OUTSIDE Dimensions (Advertised size)
INSIDE Dimensions (usable capacity) 32"L x 23"W x 26"H
(Actual Crate Weight: 23 Lb)
Note: 400 Kennel does NOT have a Handle, Newest version has Round Corners and pre-drilled holes around door for cable ties.
Recommended for: Boxers, Dalmatians, Collies, Airdales, Setters, Australian Shepherds, Dobermans, Chow Chow, Britanny, Chinese Sharpei, English Springer Spaniels
Vari Kennel or Sky Kennel #500 (XLarge)
40"L x 27"W x 30"H OUTSIDE Dimensions (Advertised size)
INSIDE Dimensions (usable capacity) 36"L x 25"W x 29"H
(Actual Crate Weight: 27 Lb)
Note: 500 Kennel DOES NOT have a Handle, Newest version has Round Corners and pre-drilled holes around door for cable ties.
Recommended for: Afghans, Labrador Retrievers, Pointers, Shepherds, Rottweilers, Samoyed, Siberian Huskie
Vari Kennel or Sky Kennel #700 (Giant)
48"L x 32"W x 35"H OUTSIDE Dimensions (Advertised size)
INSIDE Dimensions (usable capacity) 44"L x 30"W x 34"H
(Actual Crate Weight: 44 Lb)
Note: 700 Kennel does NOT have a handle, has Square Corners and does NOT have pre-drilled holes around door for cable ties. PetMate has not yet re-designed the series 700 with newest features.
Recommended for: Irish Wolfhounds, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Mastiffs, Greyhounds
For even larger dog breeds that will not fit into standard kennels we offer Kennel Height Extension Kit to increase the height.
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